Swami Jyotirmayananda

Swami Jyotirmayananda was born on February 3, 1931 in Bihar, India. In 1953, Sri Swami Sivananda, the founder of the Divine Life Society, Rishikesh, India, initiated Swamiji into the ancient order of Sanyasa.

In tireless service to his Guru, Swamiji taught at the Yoga Vedanta For­est Academy, giving lectures on the Upanishads, Raja Yoga, Yoga Vasistha and other scriptures of India. Swamiji also handled all of Swami Sivananda’s correspondence, translated many of his books into Hindi and served as the Editor of the Yoga Vedanta Journal.

Swamiji’s great command of spiritual knowledge and dynamic exposi­tions on Yoga and Vedanta philosophy attracted enormous interest all over India. He frequently lectured by invitation at the “All India Vedanta Conferences” in Delhi, Amritsar, Ludhiana, and in other parts of India.

To spread the knowledge of India in the West, in 1962 Swami Jyotirmayananda moved to Puerto Rico, where he founded the Sanatan Dharma Mandir. He conducted regular classes, weekly radio lectures in English and Spanish, and made numerous TV appearances while in Puerto Rico.

In March 1969, Swamiji moved to Miami, Florida, and launched the Yoga Research Foundation and his Ashram. Branches of this Organization now exist throughout the world to disseminate the teachings of Yoga and Vedanta philosophy to aspirants seeking to bring meaning to their lives, and offering them powerful means to attain it.

In 1985, Swamiji established the International Yoga Society and the Divya Jyoti School for children in Loni near New Delhi. In 2000, the Jyotirmayananda Ashram and Vocational Training Center for abused and neglected women was established in Bihar, India. In 2006, the Lalita-Jyoti Anaathaalaya, an Orphanage and School, opened its doors to 75 girls in Sonipat. All these institutions in India are serving the community through regular Satsang, Yoga classes, periodic Yoga Camps, trans­lating and publishing Swamiji’s works in Hindi, running the Children’s schools, and operating free Medical Clinics.

Swami Jyotirmayananda is recognized as one of the foremost propo­nents of Integral Yoga, a way of life and thought that synthesizes the various aspects of the ancient Yoga tradition into a comprehensive plan of personality integration. Through insightful lectures that bring inspira­tion to all who attend his Retreats, ongoing daily lectures at his Miami Ashram, live Podcasts online, and the many books that he has pub­lished, Swamiji continues to share the range and richness of his knowl­edge of the great scriptures of the world.

We welcome you to experience the wealth of timeless resources drawn from the ancient truths of Vedanta and expressed with rare intuition by a God-illumined Master. A sincere aspirant will meet for the first time, through Swamiji’s profound teachings, a challenge to the intellect to dis­cover the secret wealth of the Self and powerful means to attain the ultimate and true goal of life – Enlightenment.

Group Photo. “Divine Life Society”. Rishikesh, Himalayas

Sivananda & Jyotirmayananda. Rishikesh, Himalayas

Swami Jyotirmayananda. Rishikesh, Himalayas

Swami Sivananda & Swami Lalitananda. Rishikesh, Himalayas

H. H. Sri Swami Jyotirmayananda

Yoga Research Foundation Catalog
